We live in a culture where people define their value based on the money they make.

Whether it’s the entrepreneur or business owner identifying success by that year’s revenue or the person working in corporate who connects their success to their annual salary, we tend to fold our personal worth into what we bring into our bank account.

But what we make and who we are aren’t the same thing.

In fact, when we focus on who we are (driven, motivated, organized, strategic, etc.) and all that we are capable of, we can actually make money anywhere.

When we chase after the money instead, we’ll find ourselves caught in a loop.

The more we make, the more responsibilities and expenses we have, the more we need to make – and around we go again.

If we don’t find who we are, appreciate who we are, and delineate ourselves from the money we make, our self-esteem and quality of life will rise and fall with the highs and lows of our income.

I see it all the time.

Someone reaches one of their business goals, but when they jump on the call to tell me, they’re all grumpy about it.

“Well, I made the money, but not in the way I wanted.”

They made the amount they wanted but now they’re discrediting it and they don’t seem happy about it.


Because some part of themselves isn’t satisfied.

I’ve seen people reach that Holy Grail of $1M only to implode months later and lose it.


Because something inside themselves is not resolved.

When we reach a goal but we are still unhappy that is a sign that we have inner work to do.

Money is never the problem. Money is a neutral party. It’s a resource we are given because of what we do, but it actually has no control over who we are, how we show up, or the choices we make.

That’s on us.

We have to resolve what we see in the mirror – getting rid of judgments, should haves, and supposed tos – and keep clear on who we’re serving, why we’re serving, and the impact we are making.

When we focus on those things, the money will show up.​


Here’s the 3-2-1 on the Attitude of Growth when it comes to our systems.


  1. We need to separate ourselves from the money we make. Our money doesn’t make us successful. We do.
  2. The money we make is a resource we are given because of what we do but it doesn’t define who we are.
  3. The money we make will never resolve the way we feel about ourselves on the inside. If we don’t resolve our inner money stories, we will always have problems with money… no matter how much we make.


  1. Create an evidence list. Other than money, what else do you bring to the table? Think in terms of qualities, characteristics, talents, skills, innovations, etc. Make sure to number each item.
  2. Reflect on what you really want – the thing that all the money in the world would make possible. (This is the thing you want to pursue. Not the money, but the impact you can create.)


  1. How do I feel when I hit my goals and when I don’t?

This money conversation continues on YouTube. Check out Why Your Business Income is a Poor Way to Determine Success to learn more about systems, growth, and new results. Don’t forget to subscribe while you’re there!

To your impact and legacy,