With the new year there is always a feeling of new beginnings. A fresh start. Or maybe even a “do over”. We all have aspirations to do something better or bigger than last year. We’re looking, at least, to change something. Whether we are programmed to improve or it’s a natural occurrence, we want something different.
As 2022 approached, I started to think about what would be different for me. What did I want that I felt like I was missing?
As I was discussing different ideas with Deb I thought, “You know what I’m missing? Fun.”
I was surprised to realize that business wasn’t fun for me anymore. Sure, I’m celebrating my accomplishments and cheering on my clients. I’m having conversations with my money and doing what it tells me to do. But it was starting to feel like work… like something I HAD to do and not something that I WANTED to participate in.
So for 2022, my focus is going to be having more fun. What that means, I have no idea. (Ok, well, I have some ideas).
And incorporating that fun into my daily routine will be mandatory throughout this next year.
We all need a little bit of disruption in our lives to shake up where we are so we can get to where we want to be.
Mine is having more fun.
What will your disruption for 2022 be?
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To your impact and legacy,