Black Friday and Cyber Monday have only just happened, but we all know that they just kick off an entire month of deals, discounts, and “red hot” sales.
People across the nation are scrambling inside stores and online to snatch up the “best prices.”
This time of year always makes my head spin and it’s not because I’m rushing to participate.
I look at this whole charade as a Pavlovian social experiment.
We’ve been conditioned to react when “big sales” happen, like Pavlov ringing his bell to cue the dog to salivate.
Because I look at money differently, I don’t rush to purchase anything based on any retailer’s timing.
I purchase what I want and what I need when I want and need it because I know there’s an abundance of money out there and because I’m in control over my emotions around money.
So when I watch others base their end-of-year purchasing or holiday shopping on these deals or see business owners creating special offers to scoop up the money being spent this time of year, I watch with curiosity.
Why are they after the deal or wanting to offer one?
What’s the trigger for their buying behavior? What underlying thought, belief, or emotion about money is driving these decisions?
These are important questions to ask ourselves all the time, not just during the holidays.
But the pressures and social conditions around money are bountiful this time of year, so it’s the perfect time to dive in and investigate what’s happening.
As we go through the rest of this year, looking at our numbers, looking at how we want to spend our money before year’s end, looking at how we want to give this holiday season, I invite you to join me in looking at what money meltdowns we are having, why, and then solve for it.
We don’t want to hold our awareness and action-taking until January. It’ll just be more of the same.
We need to figure out what’s coming up and the pressure to respond to the holiday-deal-culture is the perfect microcosm for examining our relationship with money and taking new steps to change it.
Here’s the 3-2-1 on this “deal culture” aspect of the Attitude of Abundance.
- There’s an abundance of money out there. If we continue to focus on our businesses rather than stressing over deals and flash sales, money will flow in and we will have enough.
- We should get what we want or need when we want or need it, not when the sales, discounts, and deals tell us it’s the best time to buy. That’s letting money control our decision-making instead of us controlling our money.
- We can’t let money dictate what we do. We need to make it our co-conspirator in our creation and allow it to work with us
- As you take the last five weeks of the year to review your business numbers and/or plan for the holidays, identify the thoughts and emotions coming up around money.
- Pay attention to your behaviors. Why are you doing what you’re doing? Dig deeper and investigate the root cause influencing why you’re choosing into or out of various experiences and purchases and then face them. (Don’t hold on until January to address the issue.)
- Why am I really after a deal?
I’m putting the finishing touches on a free new tool to help you Stop the Money Meltdowns.
And if you really want to address the issues driving your behaviors (including the Pavlovian response to the deal), you know where to find me → Procedures for Prosperity™. Sign up for a Prosperity Call today:
This money conversation continues on YouTube. Check out Why You’re Not Missing the Deal and make sure to subscribe while you’re there.
To your impact and legacy,