Are you commanding what you really want?

Are you commanding what you really want?

We’ve likely all heard the famous Henry Ford quote, “Whether you think you can, or think you can’t — you’re right.” Our beliefs and the stories we tell ourselves can be the thing that makes us or breaks us. The power of our mind is incredible and it can impact the...
What cultural belief do you have about money?

What cultural belief do you have about money?

When my great aunt died, she left everything to my dad.  Going through her house, we were instructed to thoroughly search every nook and cranny. Toss nothing.  See, my great aunt was a woman of the depression era and, like others who lived during that time, had a...
Are you celebrating your accomplishments?

Are you celebrating your accomplishments?

When I was working in IT, sometimes new problems would take me hours to solve. I was so pumped when I finally figured it out it was like an adrenaline rush. Then, over time, similar problems no longer took me that long. Makes sense, right? As we gain more experience...
Our attitude has the greatest impact on our results

Our attitude has the greatest impact on our results

We have to know where we are right now before we can determine where we go next.  That means understanding our numbers and the story they tell us, understanding our relationship with money (and with ourselves and others), and understanding our attitudes – the way we...
You really don’t have the money?

You really don’t have the money?

People are relatively fearful (or reluctant) about debt. It underlies their response “I don’t have the money” when they don’t buy-into something (that program, service, or product) without having cash in hand to pay for it. They don’t want to charge one more thing to...