Aug 13, 2020 | Being
For the foreseeable future, change is going to be the norm. The way we value ourselves and our businesses and hold them as distinct from one another will determine how we withstand this ongoing change. When we value ourselves through internal validation, we can...
Jul 7, 2020 | Structure
Everywhere we turn, leaders are responding to a great many things impacting the world – from COVID-19 to systemic racism. Change is happening. Old stories and ideas are being challenged. Yet, no matter what, there will always be some leaders who are effective...
Jun 30, 2020 | Alchemy
Through all the crazy things that have happened over the last few months and the world feeling like it has shut down, there’s a dominating fear: there is no more money. Yes, people are losing jobs. The stock market has suffered. I can’t deny that. But there is always...
Jun 23, 2020 | Structure
We’re programmed from childhood to share everything we have and to not say or do anything that may hurt someone’s feelings. As we become adults, we continue to follow this programming which leads us to being walked on, having relationships with people who aren’t good...
Jun 9, 2020 | Structure
I always shake my head when I hear someone say, “If only I can hit the $100K mark then all my problems will be solved.” The truth? There is no Promised Land on the other side of $100K. Or $250K or $500K either. If you don’t change what’s going on in your head or in...