Are you chasing the money?

Are you chasing the money?

Never chase the money. When we chase money, we don’t win. We end up doing crazy stuff that is outside of our character, our values, or even the visions we have for our business. We make deals that don’t benefit us. We take on clients we normally wouldn’t. In the end,...
Chaos can be helpful

Chaos can be helpful

Every summer as a kid my family would plant a huge garden on a plot of land right next to my grandmother’s place. There was always an amount of prep work involved before actually planting seeds. Once the ground was thawed from winter, we had to take the plow out...
What cultural belief do you have about money?

What cultural belief do you have about money?

When my great aunt died, she left everything to my dad.  Going through her house, we were instructed to thoroughly search every nook and cranny. Toss nothing.  See, my great aunt was a woman of the depression era and, like others who lived during that time, had a...
Are you celebrating your accomplishments?

Are you celebrating your accomplishments?

When I was working in IT, sometimes new problems would take me hours to solve. I was so pumped when I finally figured it out it was like an adrenaline rush. Then, over time, similar problems no longer took me that long. Makes sense, right? As we gain more experience...