Are you being transparent with yourself?

Are you being transparent with yourself?

I hear all the time from people making $400-$500,000 that they still feel they’re scraping by on a college kid’s budget. That usually means they are focusing on their business revenue but aren’t being transparent about their expenses. When we only look at cash coming...
What do you need to do to get to the next level?

What do you need to do to get to the next level?

Growth isn’t just about the number of 0s at the end of your bank account. It’s also about understanding what “container” you are ready for.  Can you even see the number you’re aiming for? Do you have the systems in place to support it? Even deeper, do you trust...
More money won’t solve your problems

More money won’t solve your problems

I always shake my head when I hear someone say, “If only I can hit the $100K mark then all my problems will be solved.” The truth? There is no Promised Land on the other side of $100K. Or $250K or $500K either. If you don’t change what’s going on in your head or in...