Whose boundary is it?

Whose boundary is it?

I read the news regularly and I’m always paying special attention to the financial section. There’s been a lot of discussion of the impending “doom” that will “wreak havoc” when inflation rises again – at least if that’s how you choose to feel about it. The government...
What story are you making up?

What story are you making up?

I always ask my clients to set business quarterly revenue goals and track them. So the other day I asked people to report how Q1 went. One client told me she had done better this quarter than Q1 of last year. I told her to go celebrate. A few days later she came back...
Which of your systems are actually keeping you stuck?

Which of your systems are actually keeping you stuck?

We all want order in our lives and the feeling of being in control. So we create routines and utilize systems to help. When it comes to our businesses it may look like routinely looking at our P&L statement or projecting our monthly revenue or regularly evaluating...
Who is holding you accountable to reach your money goals?

Who is holding you accountable to reach your money goals?

Last week inside my Procedures for Prosperity™ group we did a one-week accountability challenge. In theory, it was simple. Each day we would log on together and spend just a few minutes sharing what we were aiming to achieve that day. Within just a few days, it was...
Are you ready to face your numbers?

Are you ready to face your numbers?

My wife is easily terrified by horror flicks. She even squeezes her eyes shut during the trailers.  That clenched-fist-eyes-shut-tight physical reaction that Debbie has to scary movies is how a lot of us respond when it comes to looking at our numbers.  Maybe if we...