New Questions New Results

New Questions New Results

I had the chance to speak to a group of high school students last week. They’re taking financial literacy and I went as a guest speaker to focus on the risks and rewards of entrepreneurship. I asked what I thought was a simple question. “What are you passionate about?...
How Passion Leads To Money

How Passion Leads To Money

I work with a lot of clients who get stuck inside their business. When they’re stuck, they’re not making any money. Inevitably, I end up asking them whether they’re passionate about what they do. Are they excited to get up and get going each morning? Do they remember...
Your Money Story is The Problem

Your Money Story is The Problem

How we think and feel about our money is directly connected to experiences we’ve had or beliefs that have been passed down to us from our family, community, and/or culture. This combination of things creates our money story – the perception of money that we live by....
What do you really want?

What do you really want?

I was talking to someone this last week who said she finally felt good about the money she was making but was still struggling to feel good about the experiences she wanted to have. For example, she wants to fly first class when she travels, but she feels unworthy of...
Money and racism are not separate conversations

Money and racism are not separate conversations

I already focus on one of the most taboo topics society tells us to keep on the ‘do not talk about’ list: money. Today, I’m here to tell you we are adding another to the conversation: racism. About a month or so ago I was sending separate and additional emails that...