You Don’t Have To Be A Toddler To Meltdown

You Don’t Have To Be A Toddler To Meltdown

Ever since my Stop The Money Meltdown Guide circulated, I’ve been getting some pushback. It often sounds like, “But, Joe, I’m not having any meltdowns, so this tool isn’t going to help me.” The problem is people have a particular interpretation of the word “meltdown.”...
But, Joe, I’m not having any meltdowns…

But, Joe, I’m not having any meltdowns…

I was working with a client the other night and I asked her if she had been experiencing any money meltdowns. I’m gonna own it was a trick question. Fact #1: We ALL have money meltdowns.Fact #2: They happen every day. (They’re just more noticeable this time of year.)...
Why are you really after that deal?

Why are you really after that deal?

Black Friday and Cyber Monday have only just happened, but we all know that they just kick off an entire month of deals, discounts, and “red hot” sales. People across the nation are scrambling inside stores and online to snatch up the “best prices.” This time of year...
Are you ready for the holiday money meltdown?

Are you ready for the holiday money meltdown?

We are in the tail-end of November which, in the U.S., means our inboxes have been flooded with Black Friday offers and we are likely facing some measure of gift giving and family gatherings. For those of us in business for ourselves, we’re planning for time off and...
You Don’t Want to Be Like Those Guys

You Don’t Want to Be Like Those Guys

There are a few things that rile me and one of them is people blaming other people for their results. I was reminded of this when I read a public statement by Peloton the other day about their quarter three earnings. To paraphrase, they didn’t make the revenue they...