We All Deserve Access To Financial Opportunity

We All Deserve Access To Financial Opportunity

Someone shared an article with me recently that made my blood boil. The article was written several years ago at the height of the economic crisis, but the data was alarming and illustrated the systemic racism around financial lending (mortgages, car loans, etc.)....
Who is holding you accountable to reach your money goals?

Who is holding you accountable to reach your money goals?

Last week inside my Procedures for Prosperity™ group we did a one-week accountability challenge. In theory, it was simple. Each day we would log on together and spend just a few minutes sharing what we were aiming to achieve that day. Within just a few days, it was...
Can we be too happy with money?

Can we be too happy with money?

One of my favorite podcasts is Freakonomics. The other day they had an episode on Toxic Positivity, which I define as a culture of people who fake “doing great” – a.k.a. “I’m fine” – so they can fit in. That’s what makes it toxic – the rule that we must be happy or...
Do you really want that money problem to turn into a root canal?

Do you really want that money problem to turn into a root canal?

I haven’t been to the dentist in over 10 years. I’m 43 years old and terrified of the dentist, which is pretty much why I haven’t been in a decade. So, when one of my teeth started bothering me a few months ago, I kept pushing off making an appointment. With my dental...