Which of your systems are actually keeping you stuck?

Which of your systems are actually keeping you stuck?

We all want order in our lives and the feeling of being in control. So we create routines and utilize systems to help. When it comes to our businesses it may look like routinely looking at our P&L statement or projecting our monthly revenue or regularly evaluating...
Stressing About Money Actually Feeds the Problem

Stressing About Money Actually Feeds the Problem

Ask anyone what stresses them out regularly and I bet most have “money” – or finances, or bills, or budget – on their list. There’s nothing quite like looking at our bank accounts to trigger an emotional response. It makes sense. Money is the main resource we use to...
Stop Being Your Own Oppressor

Stop Being Your Own Oppressor

These last few weeks the conflict between Russia and Ukraine has been heavy on my heart. The subjugation and oppression of people is never okay. Unfortunately, it happens all the time. On the world stage, it looks like dictators and tyrants violently enforcing their...
Is the child version of you actually ruling your money?

Is the child version of you actually ruling your money?

We all went through childhood having at least one experience where something didn’t quite go as planned and money was attached. It may have been that we didn’t get that birthday present we wanted one year, or the family vacation we were promised fell through, or an...
We Need To Check Our White Bias

We Need To Check Our White Bias

There’s a national news story that was circulating across all major outlets recently. A black couple in California is suing a home appraisal company for housing discrimination. The cliff notes version: they spent thousands on house renovations in order to increase the...