Our attitude has the greatest impact on our results

Our attitude has the greatest impact on our results

We have to know where we are right now before we can determine where we go next.  That means understanding our numbers and the story they tell us, understanding our relationship with money (and with ourselves and others), and understanding our attitudes – the way we...
You really don’t have the money?

You really don’t have the money?

People are relatively fearful (or reluctant) about debt. It underlies their response “I don’t have the money” when they don’t buy-into something (that program, service, or product) without having cash in hand to pay for it. They don’t want to charge one more thing to...
Your inexperience is actually necessary to your growth

Your inexperience is actually necessary to your growth

There will be times in our business when we feel inexperienced.  It’s to be expected. We can’t know everything. No one does.  Yet, when we feel we lack the knowledge or skill in something we believe we need, it can have us coming to a screeching halt. This is the...
Our emotions cause our actions and our actions get results

Our emotions cause our actions and our actions get results

Were you glued to the news a couple of weeks ago watching everything going on with the stock market? I was. The recent happenings with GameStop stock were especially interesting as some people gained millions while big hedge funds lost that and then some.  There was...