Are you ready to face your numbers?

Are you ready to face your numbers?

My wife is easily terrified by horror flicks. She even squeezes her eyes shut during the trailers.  That clenched-fist-eyes-shut-tight physical reaction that Debbie has to scary movies is how a lot of us respond when it comes to looking at our numbers.  Maybe if we...
What are your decisions actually costing you?

What are your decisions actually costing you?

I’ve been playing hockey for over 30 years. I love it. Up until recently, I haven’t sustained any injuries apart from a few bruises. Then, the other week, I took a puck to the mouth and ended up with three stitches. For years my wife has been advocating for a...
How are you treating your people?

How are you treating your people?

When the pandemic first hit, fear and panic set in, and a lot of companies downsized immediately. I was fascinated to watch as one company that I follow let huge amounts of people go only to hire new people for the same positions months later. Whatever money they had...
Have you listened to your money lately?

Have you listened to your money lately?

I was on LinkedIn the other day reading one of my connection’s latest posts. I don’t know this guy personally, but I read a lot of his stuff.  He was complaining about how many business coaches have pitched to him models for increasing his revenue by 10x even after...
Do you want to be more than version 1.0?

Do you want to be more than version 1.0?

My background is in the tech industry. In that field, we have what’s called versioning. The first time you create a software product or solution, it’s version 1.0. Every version after that builds on the one before it. You add new features and resolve bugs from old...